
Code model


Represents the root of a template, allows access to all the files, classes, enums and more in a solution

Property Description Returns
Files A collection of all the files in the solution FileCollection
Classes All public classes in the solution ClassCollection
Methods All public methods in the solution MethodCollection
Delegates All public delegates in the solution DelegateCollection
Enums All public enums in the solution EnumCollection
Interfaces All public interfaces in the solution InterfacesCollection
Root Access to self (allows applying a template on the root itself) RootContext


Represents an attribute, not the attribute class, but the declared attribute usage on for instance a class.
Attributes are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the attribute.

Property Description Returns
FullName The full original name of the attribute including namespace and containing class names.
e.g. App.Attributes.RouteAttribute
Name The name of the attribute excluding the "Attribute"-suffix.
e.g. Route
name The name of the attribute excluding the "Attribute"-suffix, camel cased.
e.g. route
Parent The parent context of the attribute. Item
Value The value of the attribute as string. string


Represents a collection of attributes.


Represents a C# class.
Classes are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the class.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the class. AttributeCollection
BaseClass The base class of the class.
Returns null if the class inherits from System.Object.
Constants All public constants defined in the class. ConstantCollection
ContainingClass The containing class of the class if it's nested. Class
Fields All public fields defined in the class. FieldCollection
FullName The full original name of the class including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. App.Models.CustomerModel
Interfaces All interfaces implemented by the class. InterfaceCollection
IsGeneric Determines if the class is generic. bool
Methods All public methods defined in the class. MethodCollection
Name The name of the class excluding type parameters.
e.g. CustomerModel
name The name of the class excluding type parameters, camel cased.
e.g. customerModel
Namespace The namespace of the class.
e.g. App.Models
NestedClasses All public classes defined in the class. ClassCollection
NestedEnums All public enums defined in the class. EnumCollection
NestedInterfaces All public interfaces defined in the class. InterfaceCollection
Parent The parent context of the class. Item
Properties All public properties defined in the class. PropertyCollection
TypeArguments All generic type arguments of the class.
TypeArguments are the specified arguments for the TypeParametes on a generic class e.g. <string>.
(In Visual Studio 2013 TypeParameters and TypeArguments are the same)
TypeParameters All generic type parameters of the class.
TypeParameters are the type placeholders of a generic class e.g. <T>.
(In Visual Studio 2013 TypeParameters and TypeArguments are the same)
GenericDefClass Get the original generic defintion of the class.


Represents a collection of classes.


Represents a constant.
Constants are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the constant.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the constant. AttributeCollection
FullName The full original name of the constant including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. App.Models.CustomerModel.TempPath
Name The name of the constant.
e.g. TempPath
name The name of the constant, camel cased.
e.g. tempPath
Parent The parent context of the constant. Item
Type The type of the constant. Type


Represents a collection of constants.


Represents a C# enum.
Enums are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the enum.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the enum. AttributeCollection
ContainingClass The containing class of the enum if it's nested. Class
IsFlags Determines if the enum is decorated with the Flags attribute. bool
FullName The full original name of the enum including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. App.Enums.AddressType
Name The name of the enum.
e.g. AddressType
name The name of the enum, camel cased.
e.g. addressType
Namespace The namespace of the enum.
e.g. App.Enums
Parent The parent context of the enum. Item
Values All values defined in the enum. EnumValueCollection


Represents a collection of enums.


Represents an enum value.
EnumValues are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the enum value.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the enum value. AttributeCollection
FullName The full original name of the enum including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. App.Enums.AddressType.Shipping
Name The name of the enum.
e.g. Shipping
name The name of the enum, camel cased.
e.g. shipping
Value The numeric value of the enum value. int


Represents a collection of enum values.


Represents a field.
Fields are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the field.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the field. AttributeCollection
FullName The full original name of the field including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. App.Models.CustomerModel.ShippingAddress
Name The name of the field.
e.g. ShippingAddress
name The name of the field, camel cased.
e.g. shippingAddress
Parent The parent context of the field. Item
Type The type of the field. Type


Represents a collection of fields.


Represents a C# code file.
File is the root context in the Typewriter code model.

Property Description Returns
FullName The full path of the file.
e.g. C:\Dev\App\Models\CustomerModel.cs
Name The name of the file.
e.g. CustomerModel.cs
Classes All public classes defined in the file. ClassCollection
Enums All public enums defined in the file. EnumCollection
Interfaces All public interfaces defined in the file. InterfaceCollection


Represents a C# interface.
Interfaces are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the interface.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the interface. AttributeCollection
ContainingClass The containing class of the interface if it's nested. Class
FullName The full original name of the interface including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. App.Models.ICustomerModel
Interfaces All interfaces implemented by the interface. InterfaceCollection
IsGeneric Determines if the interface is generic. bool
Methods All methods defined in the interface. MethodCollection
Name The name of the interface excluding type parameters.
e.g. ICustomerModel
name The name of the interface excluding type parameters, camel cased.
e.g. iCustomerModel
Namespace The namespace of the interface.
e.g. App.Models
Parent The parent context of the interface. Item
Properties All properties defined in the interface. PropertyCollection
TypeArguments All generic type arguments of the interface.
TypeArguments are the specified arguments for the TypeParametes on a generic interface e.g. <string>.
(In Visual Studio 2013 TypeParameters and TypeArguments are the same)
TypeParameters All generic type parameters of the interface.
TypeParameters are the type placeholders of a generic interface e.g. <T>.
(In Visual Studio 2013 TypeParameters and TypeArguments are the same)


Represents a collection of interfaces.


Represents a method.
Methods are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the method.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the method. AttributeCollection
FullName The full original name of the method including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. App.Models.CustomerModel.GetName
IsGeneric Determines if the method is generic. bool
Name The name of the method excluding type parameters.
e.g. GetName
name The name of the method excluding type parameters, camel cased.
e.g. getName
Parameters All parameters of method. ParameterCollection
Parent The parent context of the method. Item
Type The return type of the method. Type
TypeParameters All generic type parameters of the method.
TypeParameters are the type placeholders of a generic method e.g. <T>.


Represents a collection of methods.


Represents a method parameter.
Parameters are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the parameter.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the parameter. AttributeCollection
FullName The full original name of the parameter including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
Name The name of the parameter.
e.g. id
name The name of the parameter, camel cased.
e.g. id
Parent The parent context of the parameter. Item
Type The type of the parameter. Type


Represents a collection of parameters.


Represents a property.
Properties are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the property.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the property. AttributeCollection
FullName The full original name of the property including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. App.Models.CustomerModel.Orders
HasGetter Determines if the property has a getter bool
HasSetter Determines if the property has a setter bool
Name The name of the property.
e.g. Orders
name The name of the property, camel cased.
e.g. orders
Parent The parent context of the property. Item
Type The type of the property. Type


Represents a collection of properties.


Represents a type.
Types are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the type.

Property Description Returns
Attributes All attributes declared on the type. AttributeCollection
BaseClass The base class of the type. Class
Constants All constants defined in the type. ConstantCollection
ContainingClass The containing class of the type if it's nested. Class
Default The default value of the type.
e.g. strings returns null, integers returns 0 and IEnumerable<CustomerModel> returns []
Fields All fields defined in the type. FieldCollection
FullName The full original name of the type including namespace, type parameters and containing class names.
e.g. System.Int32
Interfaces All interfaces implemented by the type.
(In Visual Studio 2013 Interfaces are not available on Types)
IsDate Determines if the type is a DateTime or DateTimeOffset. bool
IsEnum Determines if the type is an enum. bool
IsEnumerable Determines if the type is enumerable. bool
IsGeneric Determines if the type is generic. bool
IsGuid Determines if the type is a Guid. (Type.Name returns string for Guids) bool
IsNullable Determines if the type is nullable. bool
IsPrimitive Determines if the type is primitive. bool
IsTimeSpan Determines if the type is a TimeSpan. (Type.Name returns string for TimeSpans) bool
Methods All methods defined in the type. MethodCollection
Name The name of the type converted to a TypeScript firendly representation including type arguments.
e.g. number
name The name of the type converted to a TypeScript firendly representation including type arguments, camel cased.
e.g. number
Namespace The namespace of the type.
e.g. System
NestedClasses All classes defined in the type. ClassCollection
NestedEnums All enums defined in the type. EnumCollection
NestedInterfaces All interfaces defined in the type. InterfaceCollection
OriginalName The original name of the type as it was specified in C#.
e.g. int
Parent The parent context of the type. Item
Properties All properties defined in the type. PropertyCollection
TypeArguments All generic type parameters of the type. TypeArguments are the specified arguments for the TypeParametes on a generic type e.g. <string>.
(In Visual Studio 2013 TypeParameters and TypeArguments are the same)
TypeParameters All generic type parameters of the type.
TypeParameters are the type placeholders of a generic type e.g. <T>.
(In Visual Studio 2013 TypeParameters and TypeArguments are the same)
AsClass Get this type's class definition.
AsEnum Get this type's enum definition.


Represents a collection of types. Calling ToString() on a TypeCollection will return a string with the names of all Types in the collection surrounded by "<" and ">" e.g. <string, number>. If the collection is empty it will return an emty string.


Represents a generic type parameter on a class, interface or method.
TypeParameters are implicitly convertible to string, a conversion will return the name of the type parameter.

Property Description Returns
Name The name of the type parameter.
e.g. T
name The name of the type parameter, camel cased.
e.g. t
Parent The parent context of the type parameter. Item


Represents a collection of type parameters. Calling ToString() on a TypeParameterCollection will return a string with the names of all TypeParameters in the collection surrounded by "<" and ">" e.g. <T1, T2>. If the collection is empty it will return an emty string.



Extension methods for working with ASP.NET Web API Controllers

Method Description Returns
HttpMethod Returns the http method from a Web API action.
The http method is extracted from Http* or AcceptVerbs attribute or by naming convension if no attributes are specified.
RequestData Creates an object literal containing the parameters that should be sent in the request body of a Web API request. If no parameters are required the literal "null" is returned. string
Route Returns the route for the Web API action based on route attributes (or "api/{controller}/{id?}" if no attributes are present). string
Url Returns the url for the Web API action based on route attributes (or "api/{controller}/{id?}" if no attributes are present). Route parameters are converted to TypeScript string interpolation syntax by prefixing all parameters with $ e.g. ${id}. Optional parameters are added as QueryString parameters for GET and HEAD requests. string